Tuesday, March 23, 2010

There She Goes Again


Seriously, when is she going to stop? As soon as her blind followers open their eyes and stop following her (whichever comes first), that's when! I would scream, but I don't want to waste my vocal cords on her. Instead I will risk developing tendon problems slamming away on my typewriter (keyboard - but typewriter sounds better in an Agatha Christie kind of way).
Sarah, oh ye of just plain stupid, when will you learn to do your homework before you open your mouth? The answer, I fear, is NEVER. In an apparent effort to jump on the anti-health care plan bandwagon, better known as the (take a deep breath) "we just have to find something to try to attack Obama about even if it means blaming him for problems that were in existence long before we even knew who Obama was, and quite possibly before he was even born, but we have to point the finger at him because we don't want to blame the blatantly obviously evil Dick Cheney, or the equally blatantly obviously a dumkopf, George W., and the rest of the guilty by association, because that could open a whole can of worms about republicans, and well, we are hoping that we republicans can regain power someday soon to perpetuate the self-serving propaganda furthering an ignorant caste system of a society in the name of capitalistic enslavement thinly disguised as a democracy.... bandwagon" (take another deep breath, and two aspirin), Madam Palin has once again proven that she is both shallow and vacant. Palin has just enough of a command of the english language to perk up the ears of would-be listeners, which is also just enough to be dangerous. Dangerously stupid that is. Both she, and her doppleganger, Michele Bachmann have nearly simultaneously, misspoken and misstated facts, and overstepped their bailiwick of knowledge, power, and understanding of the basics on a topic that is as complex as it is important - health care. In doing so, in the span of the last 2 years, they are both doing a remarkably grand job of derailing a half century of progress that women have made in the general political arena and the hard-won recognition as a strong socio-economic presence that women have achieved . They both need to go the way of whalebone corsets, and be referenced in museums as antiquated blips on the political radar screen, and defined in wikipedia as ornamentation that suffocates women under the guise of attractiveness.
My recommendation to Sarah Palin: Educate yourself. Read and study thoroughly those topics on which you dare to take a public stand. If you've got what it takes, for real, your stand would surely change, and your brazen statements would hold water. Other wise you may as well stand in front of the microphone and gargle... people can hear you making noise, but you are saying nothing. Please, in the name of humanity, stop saying empty things. Say something real, or just go away and cease making senseless noise.

Peace and Human Rights,
Sherri Faye

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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A percentage of proceeds from purchases of my Palin Crapola proceeds will go toward the efforts to clean up the oil spill.
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