Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nix Nix on NPR?

It's official. That woman is just plain nuts. The trouble is that Sarah Palin is charming and funny enough, and interesting enough that it creates the seemingly perfect smoke screen to hide the fact that she is completely off the chain. Wanting to remove NPR? I'm practically speechless... (of course, that's virtually impossible for anyone who knows me). AND I would find a way to protect my freedom of speech even if I were to lose my tongue in a biting accident (you know, from like biting it way too much in an attempt to be civil).

Anyone with even a few brain cells left in their heads has got to realize that this is NOT in the best interest of Our Country 'tis of Pea-brained politicians.

To find out more, and make an informed choice, start here:

Or to contribute to the demise of our crumbling nation, do nothing (that seems to work). Don't read an accurate sourced article, don't bother with the New York Times, and don't question Fox News (or as I call them, Faux News). Just sit and do nothing. Nothing at all. Before you know it, we will all be spoon fed information that is packed with lies and chock full of propaganda. 

In other words, speak now, or forever hold your peace, because eventually you won't have a choice.

Sherri Faye

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