Monday, June 21, 2010

Wanted: Miracle

All we need to do is pray for a miracle for the oil spill to magically stop spewing oil... well, for crying out loud, why didn't we all think of that? And we can all click our heels three times and say out loud "There's no oil spill. There's no oil spill. There's no oil spill."

I am not discounting that miracles can happen, nor am I disputing that they exist. What I am getting at here is that her suggestion or recommendation for praying for a miracle rings as hollow. It echos across the landscape of Palin's innumerable non-answers to important, valid questions. Searching for a sound answer to any meaningful question that has been posed to Sarah Palin is like looking through a childs viewfinder in search of evidence of life on Pluto.  Here we are facing a HUGE eco-disaster, and she has not yet learned how to be taken seriously by actually doing some homework and contributing to a solution by delivering an informed possible solution.

The American public is sitting around an empty table of "What the hell should we do?????" With our napkins tied around our necks, fork and knife in pounding hands, we are demanding to have our plates filled with real solutions. Out she comes, donning her political apron, carrying a covered dish... she unveils it, and voila! It's empty. Not so much as a stale crust of manna from heaven, let alone a real meat & potatoes answer! Our stomachs are growling, and our minds are reeling. Hungry for a PLAN of ACTION. And, I for one, am not expecting it from her. What is on the menu at Madam Palin's house of  lipstick coated lies is the same old, same old... nothing.

Here's a thought. Perhaps the answer to Palin's prayer is that BP comes up with and acts on a solution swiftly. I know, it's a stretch. Sometimes the answer to a prayer is appropriate action taken by the responsible party(s).

I have a new prayer. If she cannot conceivably come up with valuable input, my supplication is for Palin to simply shut up.  (If only BP could come up with a contraption to force her to do so, but who knows how long that would take.) I am praying for a miracle right now... "Dear Lord, please find a way to stop the spill of crap spewing from Sarah Palin's mouth. Amen. P.S. Try to do it in a humanitarian way. I want to keep my karma balanced."

I believe in miracles. I do, I do, I do, I do,
Sherri Faye
(c) 2009  Sherri Faye   All Rights Reserved.

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