Monday, November 30, 2009

No More Palin Crapola

No more crap. No more crap. No more crap. The preferred mantra for politics in general, as I see it anyway. And, in this case, no more vague, superfluous crap answers from Sarah Palin. Please.

Sarah Palin running for office again? I can see it now... (Wayne's World "doodle-oo, doodle-oo" sound effects here) Palin and Dung 2012. 2012 being the number of times she will dodge a question in a single day. Or the number of times her hair tangles with her eyelashes in an hour during a tele-conference. Or the number of times a day that she waves 'hello' to her Russian neighbors. Who is this Dung, you ask? As in  the proverbial "Who Flung Dung" as her running mate - virtually her right hand man! Palin'll be flingin' Dung around faster than sh#t hittin' the fan! Hey, she could quite possibly convince psuedo-liberals and conservatives alike that this "Dung" character is the Asian-American component on her ticket!  (Howdya like them apples, first ever African-American first family!) When, in reality.... and here's a scary thought.... Dung is Bachmann... as in:  (Twilight Zone music fades in) Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann 2012 (Twilight Zone music fades out). After all, Michele Bachmann's face is being flung about in political circles and the press like so much monkey crap at the zoo. And  there is all this b.s. going around about how they both are so attractive. There might be a connection. You see how this could spiral out of control. If  it looks like it might happen I will sell demonstration signs on my cafe press site.

Help support a middle-aged artist and writer today!  Buy your magnets and buttons now, and begin the campaign against meaningless answers to meaningful (or at the very least, semi-meanignful) questions. Help prevent crap abuse and the squandering of manure. It could be a valuable and much needed alternative energy source...

Peace and all that crap,
Sherri Faye
(c) 2009  Sherri Faye   All Rights Reserved.

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