Monday, November 30, 2009

You've Been Splatted! By Sarah Palin.

Some people get 'punked' and some get 'splatted' with Sarah Palin Crapola...

Have you heard enough non-answers out of that woman to last several lifetimes (even reaching into your past lives)?! I know I have. I got this weird "hollow headache" after I listened to a few of Palins interviews launching her new book, "Going Rogue" (An American Life). Picture it: Between the dedication page and "the end" page the actual book contents are filled with hundreds of empty pages. It's kind of like "The Emperor's New Clothes"... only it's "The Almost Vice President's and Who Knows, Someday I Might Be the Actual President's New Book, er, Non-book". At least that will be the case for the 'eyes of the wise'. Should we accept this mission and read said book, we, the wise ones, will see blank pages, because we have special vision that filters non-essential information. Seriously, do you think there will be anything in it of true political and social value and insight? The wise will see the vacant pages that many trees died for. The foolish will see words and read them, and believe them for they cling to and re-sell empty words as if made of gold. Fools Gold that is.

I wonder if her book is written in Sarah-speak... you know what that is, right? The editor may need therapy after this one, having spent God knows how many hours ensuring that all words ending in "ing" are changed to end in "in' ".  Am I right, or am I right? With Sarah Palin as the Prez or VP, America could very well end up with Palinese as the national language! What would we do? Well, I'll tell ya what we'll be doin'.... fishin', drinkin', votin', gamblin', marryin', swimmin', singin', laughin', and freakin' screamin' into our collective futures! That's what! The letter 'g' might be removed from our alphabet! That's what! aaaaaaaarrrggghhhhhh!  would be aaaaaaaarrr___hhhhhh!  That's what! I know, I digress...
I bet her real last name is Paling.

Have I made my point? In the event that I have not, let me re-iterate: Sarah Palin does a good job of snowing the media and the foolish with beauty, charm, wit, and ambiguous answers. That's when the viewers, the believers, the astonished, and the distracted "Get Splatted".

As a remedy to my own economic woes, and in an effort to pump fresh ideas, truth, humor, and perhaps some money, into the general economy, I have been inspired (almost overnight!) to create some funny gifts just in time for CYBER MONDAY and the holidays! I have an online store with fun, political humor about Sarah Palin. Featuring "You've Been Splatted!" with Sarah Palin Crapola t-shirts and more! Click here to find the PERFECT HOLIDAY GIFT!

Shop, drop and roll with laughter,
Sherri Faye
(c) 2009  Sherri Faye     All Rights Reserved.

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