Monday, November 30, 2009

Sarah Plain: Going Vague with more non-answers.

SARAH PALIN:  Going Vague - Answering America's Questions... only not.
What do I have against Sarah Palin? Nothing personally. I just don't want her "runnin' " the country with non-answers (and no "g's").

Sporting night vision goggles wouldn't be enough to help Palin see and create a clear national vision with true depth. Perhaps it's those perpetual-bangs-in-her-eyes that are the real roadblock? Does that bug you, or is it just me? Does she use really sticky mascara that her hair gets stuck in? Does she wear sans lens prop glasses in order to appear smarter? The hollow frames thereby allowing those annoying tentacles of hair to seek out and cling to those sticky lashes? These are questions I ask myself when I see her on television. Are these seemingly small distractions part of the republican master plan? The schmooz rues? I mean, between the pretty face, malfunctioning eyewear, the blinking-batting eyes, those medusa-like tendrils of wandering locks that somehow succeed in achieving that "fun-hair-in-her-eyes" look, and that gosh-durned loveable Annie Oakley "g"-less lingo of hers, we just might not notice that Sarah Palin doesn't really 'answer' political questions.

When it comes to the real questions, Sarah Palin provides 'danswers' rather than answers. In other words, she responds to even the lightest political inquiries with  vagueries and innuendo filled tapdances that are painfully obvious to the informed viewer. Sarah Palin: Going Rogue? The only thing going rogue with her life, besides that little varmint who impregnated her daughter, is her wild-ass bangs! Again, I digress...
Going Rogue has inspired me to create some products with just one of my kooky ideas. The real story? Sarah Palin: Going Vague.

Click here to check out what may be the perfect gift for you or your best friend, or whoever you know that has had enough of the Palin tapdance.

Here's Lookin' at Ya (er, at last blinkin' in yer general direction),
Sherri Faye
(c) 2009 Sherri Faye   All Rights Reserved.

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